Package-level declarations


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Collects resources and closes them cleanly in reversed order.

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Marks experimental API that is not final and subject to change.

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sealed interface OperatingSystem


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fun interface SuspendCloseable

A resource that can be closed or released and must suspend to do so.

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sealed interface Target

Kotlin/Multiplatform compilation target.


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Wraps this AutoCloseable as if it needed to suspend, allowing APIs to only support SuspendCloseables.

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inline suspend fun <R> autoclose(block: Closer.() -> R): R

Creates a Closer scope and automatically closes it.

inline suspend fun <R> autoclose(vararg closeables: SuspendCloseable, block: Closer.() -> R): R

Creates a Closer scope, adds all provided closeables, and automatically closes it.

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fun Closer(): Closer

Create a new empty Closer.

fun Closer(vararg closeables: SuspendCloseable): Closer

Create a new Closer and add closeables to it.

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operator fun Closer.plusAssign(autoCloseable: AutoCloseable)

Remember to close autoCloseable together with this closer.

operator fun Closer.plusAssign(suspendCloseable: SuspendCloseable)

Remember to close suspendCloseable together with this closer.

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inline suspend fun <T : SuspendCloseable?, R> T.use(block: (T) -> R): R

Executes the given block function on this resource and then closes it down correctly whether an exception is thrown or not.